Yellow Leaves on Houseplants?
Yellow Leaves on Houseplants?

HOUSEPLANT TROUBLES By: Gary Garner Sr.             A couple of months back I pinned some tips on bringing your houseplants inside for the cooler months of the year. Those tips included proper placement according to plant light needs, air circulation, plant temperature needs, indoor watering and fertilization among other things.             Now that the plants have been inside for a…

Finding the Right Spot for Houseplants
Finding the Right Spot for Houseplants

            Just as some plants needed full sun and some need shade while outside the same will be true while inside.             It is not always easy to determine bright light inside the house. The brightest spot in your house will not be nearly as bright as full sun outside. Maybe, the following tips will help.             Bright light inside…

Fall Landscape Maintenance
Fall Landscape Maintenance

FALL LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE             The days are still warm, lawns are green, but if you look closely the signs of fall are beginning to show. Even with all the rain we are enjoying grass is not growing quite as fast and while still green it doesn’t have that summer shine. The leaves on some trees are beginning to show signs of…

Different Tastes In Vegetables
Different Tastes In Vegetables

DIFFERENT TASTES IN VEGETABLES By: Gary Garner Sr. Do you ever wonder why you plant a certain variety of tomato one year, then plant the same one the next year, but the tastes don’t seem to be the same as the ones you grew the previous year? We’ll use tomatoes for our example but the same is true for all of your…