By: Gary Garner Sr.
Gardner’s mostly are simple, positive, happy people. We generally try to make the world a better place. Yet, all too many times, in our eagerness to do so we fall a little on the crazy side.
I will likely be taken to task for that remark. Think…
Fall Planting
By: Gary Garner Sr.
It is now time to start planting fall cole crops, flowers, etc., at least according to the calendar. Then I take a look at the thermometer, it reads 93, feeling like 100 and I'm not so certain I want to do much planting.
People have started to plant fall…
Spring is slipping up on us and many of us may not be fully prepared.
While it has not been a particularly cold or snowy winter the last few weeks have been threatening on a daily basis. Every weather news cast seems to call for a chance of snow, freezing rain, cold days, cloudy, with very…
The loss of a newly planted dogwood can usually be traced to one of two problems, improper planting or improper watering. Improper planting means the tree was planted too deep or that dirt or mulch was piled up around the trunk. Let's look at how to plant first. Dogwoods are shallow rooted trees and it…
An azalea purist doesn't plant an azalea. They loosen the soil, take the plant out of the pot, loosen the root ball, and then gradually work the plant into the soil. This assures that the plant is planted very shallow which is ideal for an azalea.
Most of us, however, do dig a hole when…