Plant Hardiness Zones Updated by USDA
Plant Hardiness Zones Updated by USDA

USDA Hardness Zone Updates In November 2023, the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) released an updated Plant Hardiness Zone map! Central Virginia remains firmly in zone 7 Much of the area shifted to the slightly warmer zone 7b (5° to 10° F) Small pockets remain in 7a (0° to 5° F) What this means for Central Virginia’s Gardeners: All…

Fall Landscape Maintenance
Fall Landscape Maintenance

FALL LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE             The days are still warm, lawns are green, but if you look closely the signs of fall are beginning to show. Even with all the rain we are enjoying grass is not growing quite as fast and while still green it doesn’t have that summer shine. The leaves on some trees are beginning to show signs of…

Time Saving Yard Tips
Time Saving Yard Tips

By: Gary Garner Sr. I recently was trying to think of some tips that might save you time, labor and maybe a little money on your lawn care. The “Lazy Man” is always trying to find a quick, easy and cheaper way to care for his lawn  Obviously, the easiest way is to hire someone to do the lawn. That…

Fall Lawn Seeding
Fall Lawn Seeding

FALL LAWN SEEDING – By: Gary Garner Sr. I have always been a strong advocate of early lawn seeding in the fall. If the weather has begun to cool and we receive a reasonable amount of rain I like to start fall seeding soon after mid-August. Many years you can seed up to mid-November and be ok. If you decide to seed…

Best Time To Mow
Best Time To Mow

By Gary Garner Sr. I get many questions and see much written about the best time to mow your lawn. My answer is when you have time and when it’s convenient to do so. I know this sounds flippant, but in today’s busy world not everything can be done at the best time. If you work a nine to five…