Plant Hardiness Zones Updated by USDA
Plant Hardiness Zones Updated by USDA

USDA Hardness Zone Updates In November 2023, the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) released an updated Plant Hardiness Zone map! Central Virginia remains firmly in zone 7 Much of the area shifted to the slightly warmer zone 7b (5° to 10° F) Small pockets remain in 7a (0° to 5° F) What this means for Central Virginia’s Gardeners: All…

October Do’s & Don’ts
October Do’s & Don’ts

            One of the big fall considerations is what should be done to or with our lawns. The last few weeks we have had plentiful rainfall and pleasant temperatures. Most lawns look good, especially for the time of year. With all the rain grass has been growing most of the summer. Lawns have had to be mowed weekly. This brings…

Fall Landscape Maintenance
Fall Landscape Maintenance

FALL LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE             The days are still warm, lawns are green, but if you look closely the signs of fall are beginning to show. Even with all the rain we are enjoying grass is not growing quite as fast and while still green it doesn’t have that summer shine. The leaves on some trees are beginning to show signs of…