By: Gary Garner III
In general snow is beneficial for lawns and landscapes!
Most people either love or hate snowy weather. I personally hope for a white Christmas and one or two “good” snowfalls! I define good as 6 inches or more (preferably more) of snow! Don’t send an icy wintery mixed mess my…
Most of the plants we grow outside need a certain number of cold hours to grow and produce as they should. A cold hour is defined as an hour below 32 degrees. Even our best lawn grasses, turf type fescues, need a few cold hours to perform at their best during…
Winter Prep for Spring Success!
I thought now might be a good time to look at preparing your garden, either flower or vegetable, for winter as well as getting ready for spring. What you do over the fall and winter months will determine the nutrient levels in the soil next spring and summer. The…