Poinsettias are a Holiday Hallmark
Poinsettias are a Holiday Hallmark

A Holiday Hallmark What’s left to discover about Poinsettias? Well, for starters, Poinsettias are not poisonous, are available in colors besides red, and the finest are found in garden centers. Ironic, perhaps, that a plant with legendary, child-centered origins is often seen as one dangerous to children. According to the Poisondex TM Information Service, a 50-pound child could eat 500…

Caring for your Mums
Caring for your Mums

Nothing says fall like Mums! Chrysanthemums, better known by their shorten name Mums, have been cultivated for over 2500 years and continue to increase in popularity. There are now over 5000 varieties in cultivation. Through hybridization, many flower forms are available such as daisy, pompon, cushion, buttons, decorative spiders, and spoon-petal. They are also available in any color except blue.…

Spring Preparation
Spring Preparation

Spring is slipping up on us and many of us may not be fully prepared. While it has not been a particularly cold or snowy winter the last few weeks have been threatening on a daily basis. Every weather news cast seems to call for a chance of snow, freezing rain, cold days, cloudy, with very few days of warm sunny…


A little whiff of fresh lavender or spirits of lavender oil is said to calm the soul, relieve tension, or cure a headache. The scent of lavender can reduce the stress level of an entire room of people. Try using lavender in a mist bottle in the office to lower the tension and calm the nerves. Lavender-beautiful, fragrant, tasty and healthy!…

Planting Azaleas
Planting Azaleas

An azalea purist doesn’t plant an azalea. They loosen the soil, take the plant out of the pot, loosen the root ball, and then gradually work the plant into the soil.  This assures that the plant is planted very shallow which is ideal for an azalea. Most of us, however, do dig a hole when we plant. The secret is…