Watering 101
“How often do I water my plant?” is undoubtedly the most frequently asked question about plants and also one of the hardest questions to answer!
Here’s the simple answer: Water when the plant gets dry. 9 out of 10 times when we see a watering problem it is due to overwatering - for…
One of the big fall considerations is what should be done to or with our lawns. The last few weeks we have had plentiful rainfall and pleasant temperatures. Most lawns look good, especially for the time of year. With all the rain grass has been growing most of the summer. Lawns have had to…
I receive questions from time to time that they have a tree or trees that are being killed by a grey substance growing on the tree or plant. What they are talking about is a combination plant that is part fungi and part algae. There are about 3600 known…
Fall Planting
By: Gary Garner Sr.
It is now time to start planting fall cole crops, flowers, etc., at least according to the calendar. Then I take a look at the thermometer, it reads 93, feeling like 100 and I'm not so certain I want to do much planting.
People have started to plant fall…
Spring is slipping up on us and many of us may not be fully prepared.
While it has not been a particularly cold or snowy winter the last few weeks have been threatening on a daily basis. Every weather news cast seems to call for a chance of snow, freezing rain, cold days, cloudy, with very…