October Do’s & Don’ts
October Do’s & Don’ts

            One of the big fall considerations is what should be done to or with our lawns. The last few weeks we have had plentiful rainfall and pleasant temperatures. Most lawns look good, especially for the time of year. With all the rain grass has been growing most of the summer. Lawns have had to be mowed weekly. This brings…

Fall is beginning to show!
Fall is beginning to show!

           By: Gary Garner Sr.             Like it or not Fall is right around the corner. Summer is slowly ending. Our summer plants are beginning to shut down. Production of summer vegetables is less each day. Tomatoes are smaller with more blemishes. We can try to stretch summer crops but only for so long.             Despite…

Ready or not fall is coming!
Ready or not fall is coming!

I’M THINKING FALL By: Gary Garner Sr.             It’s nearly ninety degrees and the sun is shining. Yes, its early August and summer gardens are still at peak production. Summer flowers are gorgeous. All the weather signs say its summer and it is. However, if we are going to have nice fall flowers and vegetables it is time to start…

Colorful Containers
Colorful Containers

            It’s officially summer and July has brought warm sunny days with it. So far, we have had a cool and somewhat dry spring and early summer. The last few days and the weather forecast indicate that might be going to change. We have had plenty of rain recently and the temperature is beginning to…

Growing Trees In Containers
Growing Trees In Containers

We all like to have some unique features both inside and outside of our home. For something relatively easy both to grow and to maintain outside of the house I would suggest container grown trees. Almost any tree can be grown in a container. It’s a matter of placing the right size plant in the right size container. Potted trees…