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Spring has Sprung! 

By: Gary Garner Sr

            It’s now spring. By the calendar and by signs from Mother Nature. Mother Nature sent her spring signs early this year. Many spring blooming trees and shrubs have already bloomed or are now in bloom. Winter dormant perennials are beginning to poke out new growth. Lawns have greened up and mowing has started.

            If you are planning on growing a vegetable garden, whether in the ground, raised bed or one of the many other methods you see advocated in today’s world it’s time to get started.

            Potatoes, onion, green peas and most cold crops if not in the ground should be planted as soon as possible. Gary’s has onion sets in inventory. The sooner they are in the garden the better crop you are likely to have.

            Yes, we will more than likely have frost and possibly even a light freeze in April, but the above-mentioned crops should survive with no problem.

            Plants that have been over wintered in the house can now be set outside. I would not place them where they would be subject to harsh wind. Give them a chance to being used to outside conditions. If the weather forecast was for light frost or temperatures near freezing, I would gather them close together and cover them with some type of cloth cover. A sheet or blanket works well. NEVER cover with plastic. Cold will go through plastic and bright sun will burn plants through plastic.

Tomato Plants under a vegetabkes sign            Gary’s has tomato, pepper, squash, and cucumber plants in stock. There is always demand for these early. Planted where they can be protected, they will survive, but outside they are not going to do much growing until the weather is consistently warm. They take heat to do well.

            Vegetables and flowers planted outside like warm soil and warmer temperatures to perform well. Its simple you can’t beat Mother Nature. For the best results we need to play by her rules.

Dolce Fresca Basil in a pot
Dolce Fresca Basil

            Gary’s has many herbs and perennials in stock ready to be planted. If you have questions, ask Nelson or Gary III about when to plant and how to care for them. They are happy to help.

            As always, the best way to learn to garden is by gardening. Others can offer advice and try to help but what works for one person does not always work for someone else. You learn by doing. Now let’s get started!